Jack O Lanterns and a laptop

Our Training is a Treat! No Tricks

Introducing Splunk Force Multipliers – Virtual and Onsite!

Our Splunk instructor-led training courses are designed for businesses and individuals who require a more personalized and sophisticated experience than those delivered by the vendor. We pride ourselves in hiring the most experienced Splunk Instructors to deliver our Virtual and onsite Training Services.

Splunkable's Splunk instructor led training Onsite

With over 13 years of experience in Splunk, rest assured that our Trainers are Splunk Certified and extremely capable of delivering that valuable content efficiently and comprehensively. We are second to none when helping your organization grow your Splunk Team with more success and better outcomes than other services available in the market.

Our Instructor-Led Training courses are delivered using Webex software and can also be delivered in person. The courses come complete with materials, final exams, individual scorecards, and feedback including suggestions for the next steps regarding your Splunk Training & Certifications.

Let us be your force multiplier. Hire a Splunk Trainer from Splunkable today!

Our Instructor-Led Training Service is currently available for the following courses:

  1. User Fundamentals
  2. Admin Fundamentals
  3. Architect Fundamentals
  4. ES Best Practices

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Want to be a Splunk Ninja by Halloween?

Take our Ninja course on Udemy for free!

Mastering Splunk Fundamentals: From Novice to Ninja
Mastering Splunk Fundamentals: From Novice to Ninja

Free to the first 100 redemptions for the next 2 days!


Check out our other Splunk Courses on Udemy!

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