Here at Ableversity we take great pride in teaching the skills that empower individuals!

By equipping our students with the tools and knowledge, we enable our students to pass their Splunk certification tests, which in turn leads to better employment opportunities.

Achieving success with Ableversity

Through our proven methods, our courses help create lasting, positive change both professionally and personally, enabling students to enrich their lives in truly meaningful way.

Ableversity is proving with the right tools, support and guidance, anything is possible!

Our students achievements are not just milestones, but the start of a lifelong path to success.

Each success story about our students achieving their certifications is a testament to their dedication, perseverance, and growth.

Let’s see what students are saying about their experience’s with Ableversity’s training!

David Huynh

CyberSecurity Splunk Engineer
Senior Cybersecurity Analyst, United States Marine Corps Veteran

I chose Ableversity’s courses because they are one of the few that offer accessible, affordable, and quality Splunk Training. Splunk Training is quite expensive if directly from Splunk, but through Ableversity, I was able to learn, practice, certify myself and progress with skills, knowledge, and career growth (both title, responsibility, and financial).

What were your expectations before starting the course, and how were they met or exceeded?
My basic expectations were to be able to prepare and take Splunk certification exams. Which I did meet. I’ve taken and passed, Splunk Core User, Power User, Enterprise Admin, and Enterprise Security Admin so far, with more in the future (like Architect).

Expectations that have been unexpected and unintentional, but above the call of duty of benefits are career growth (indirectly, due to the certs and skills and knowledge gained through the courses I was able to clearly articulate myself and prove that I would be an asset as a Splunk Engineer.). Additionally help with following along and making my own splunk home lab was beneficial as that assisted me with my interviews. I screen shared and presented my home lab, which I believe was monumental in me receiving my offer letter.

What aspects of the online learning experience did you find most valuable? (e.g., flexibility, interaction, resources)
I just loved the video lessons. I dislike reading, as I think its an inferior method of learning due to speed and lack of vision stimulation.

Due to Ableversity’s courses being video based, I can manipulate the video playback speed, rewatch as many times as I need, I can listen/watch on my phone, and I can follow along visually and audibly to re-create and follow along hands on.

achievement using Ableversity's courses

Embarking on the journey to earn your Splunk certification through Ableversity’s online training is more than just a step forward—it’s a leap toward your future!

Were there any specific modules, assignments, or activities that stood out to you?
Zero to Power User, and Novice to Ninja (I know there’s overlap, but never the less the repetition is invaluable). I think these two bundle courses are some of the best. They cover Core, Power, and Advanced Power User lessons and material.

Additionally, The two Splunk Admin and Splunk Architect courses are invaluable if you’re looking to further your career and move into more Engineer level roles with SIEM/Splunk/Detection Engineering.

How has completing this course impacted your skills, knowledge, or career?
1) It enabled me to prepare and pass 4+ Splunk Certifications. Which earns me credibility and respect from my team members, clients, and companies/recruiters.
2) It has enabled me to evolve from a Cybersecurity Analyst who operates as a Power user within Splunk to investigate and create alerts, to becoming a Cybersecurity Splunk Engineer where I administrate, Engineer, and even Architect at times any and all things Splunk related.
3) Jumping from Cybersecurity Analyst L1 where I earned about $75,000 (Hybrid onsite) to about $105,000 (Remote) has been nothing short of life-changing and exhilarating

Would you recommend this online course to others? If so, what would you tell them
I’ve already recommended and shared Ableversity courses NON STOP on LinkedIn and through Cybersecurity Discord Channels (Such as CyberWox Discord).

I would say its damn near a necessity that new comers to Splunk, LEARN SPLUNK, and to use Ableversity to do so. Again, there’s very limited resources that are both affordable and quality.

Share how Ableversity has empowered you in your career or personal life.
Overtime, with discipline and commitment to learning… Ableversity has spearheaded my Cyber career from an Analyst to a Cybersecurity Splunk Engineer. My career has leveled up (in a short time 1.5 years) and my income has grown from $75,000 to $105,000 (went from hybrid to remote). Nothing short of incredible.

Tell us about the skills or insights that have made a significant difference in your journey.
Learning both Power/Advanced Power User searching and querying to write alerts and detections

Learning Splunk Engineering and Architecting.
Both of these “skill paths” has 1) Enabled me to jump from IT Support to Cybersecurity Analyst >> and then Cybersecurity Analyst >> to Cybersecurity Splunk Engineer

Reflect on any memorable moments or breakthroughs you experienced with us.

I’ve taken both Splunk Enterprise Admin and Enterprise Security Admin on the same day. 

Additionally, due to my certifications and creating my splunk home labs.

Janarthanan Krish

Application Support Analyst, Cyber Security

Share how Ableversity has empowered you in your career or personal life.
The Foundation of Splunk training via Ableversity on Udemy gave me a very good understanding of Splunk, which is in high demand within my field of security operations. Acquiring it now gives me the drive to go for those jobs that require data analysis and operational intelligence.

Tell us about the skills or insights that have made a significant difference in your journey.
This allowed me to grasp some key skills of setting up the Splunk environment, using search queries, and even trying to create detailed and valuable visualization for reports. More impactfully, it took me through detailed coverage of SPL, which is a search processing language of Splunk, empowering me on how to get meaningful insights out of complex datasets. These skills definitely helped me in my career. 

Reflect on any memorable moments or breakthroughs you experienced with us.
The instructor’s use of practical, real-world examples and case studies to reinforce topics made the course extremely engaging, which gave me a solid grasp and increased my confidence in utilizing Splunk

Thanks again for the invaluable course. 

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