Splunk Practice Exams

Splunkable’s Splunk Practice Exams: The Perfect Way to Prepare for Your Splunk Certification Are you looking to become a Splunk certified professional? If so, you’ll want to check out the practice exams offered by Splunkable on Udemy. These exams cover fundamental Splunk topics and are an excellent way to prepare for your certification exam. Splunk (more…)

Splunk Fundamentals 1 Training Quiz is online now

We’ve released our sample Fundamentals 1 exam questions at the following link: https://ableversity.com/splunkable/courses/splunk-fundamentals-1-training-course/tutor_quiz/fundamentals-1-quiz/ If you have trouble opening the link, be sure you’re registered and enrolled in the Fundamentals 1 Training Course.  Reach out to our support team or comment below if you have any other issues.