Splunkable LLC Introduces SSL Certificate Checker 4.2.0, Enhancing Security Monitoring Capabilities

ATLANTA, GEORGIA — 11/2/2023 — Splunkable LLC, a leading provider of Splunk-based solutions, proudly announces the release of SSL Certificate Checker version 4.2.0. Now available on both GitHub and Splunkbase, this update brings advanced features to fortify security posture and improve monitoring of SSL certificates.

In SSL Certificate Checker 4.2.0, users can expect:

Enhanced Security Posture:

The latest version contributes to an overall increase in security posture by expanding monitoring capabilities to additional certificates.

New Certificate Keys:

Additional certificate keys have been incorporated into the monitoring process, including:
'remote_queue.sqs_smartbus.large_message_store.sslRootCAPath' in Inputs.conf & Server.conf
'remote.s3.sslRootCAPath' in Outputs.conf and Server.conf

Bug Fixes:

-Resolved the 'sslKeysfile' bug for a smoother user experience.
-Removed legacy setup page from navigation

SSL Certificate Checker is a vital tool for monitoring the expiration date and name of SSL certificates, enabling users to set up dashboards, reports, and alerts to track certificate validity. This is especially useful for monitoring both Splunk's Web/Frontend and Splunk's Daemon/Backend TLS/SSL certificates, whether using custom or built-in certificates.

"At Splunkable, we are committed to advancing the capabilities of our solutions to meet the evolving needs of our users," said Michael Bentley, Founder of Splunkable LLC. "SSL Certificate Checker 4.2.0 is a testament to this commitment, providing users with enhanced security features for comprehensive TLS & SSL certificate monitoring."

For more information about SSL Certificate Checker 4.2.0 and its new features, please visit

About Splunkable
Splunkable LLC specializes in providing Splunk professional services, recruiting services, and training to help organizations harness the full potential of their data. Our solutions empower businesses to convert complex data into actionable insights, facilitating improved decision-making, streamlined operations, and the realization of business objectives.

Name: Michael Bentley
Title: Founder
Phone: 844-DATA-PROs