Congratulations to the Splunkable team’s newly Certified Splunk Architects

Congratulations to our newest Certified Splunk Architects: Mike Rogers & Hailie Shaw In a truly extraordinary feat, these individuals have achieved the prestigious status of certified Splunk Architects, heralding a monumental breakthrough in their quest for knowledge and mastery of Splunk architecture. Their new certification positions them as trailblazers, poised to revolutionize the way organizations (more…)

Hire Splunk Architects

Are you interested in hiring Splunk Architects? If so, then let us do the leg work for you. Not only do we have the Splunkable Talent Engine™, but we also offer Splunk Candidate Vetting and Splunk Certificate Verification services tailored to your needs. When choosing a candidate from our Splunkable Talent Engine™, you’ll rest assured (more…)