Press Release – Splunkable LLC Announces SSL Certificate Checker 4.2.0

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Splunkable LLC Introduces SSL Certificate Checker 4.2.0, Enhancing Security Monitoring Capabilities ATLANTA, GEORGIA — 11/2/2023 — Splunkable LLC, a leading provider of Splunk-based solutions, proudly announces the release of SSL Certificate Checker version 4.2.0. Now available on both GitHub and Splunkbase, this update brings advanced features to fortify security posture and improve (more…)

How to download your certificates

Hello and welcome to our “how to” on downloading your Splunkable certificates. We’ll be quick and just jump right into the steps here: 1. Complete the course you’ve enrolled in by clicking on the “Complete Course” button. 2. Rate the course and leave us feedback on how we can better serve your needs: 3. Now (more…)